-> Bestselling Bootstrap Portfolio Templates recommend by Envato
Welcome to our Creative Agency, Portfolio, and Corporate Multi-Purpose Template. It comes with HTML5 and Bootstrap 5. We created with component-based and developer-friendly modern. It comes with modern design and a faster loading HTML template. It has available Creative Agency, Creative Agency Landing, Personal Portfolio, Personal Portfolio Landing, Minimal Portfolio, Home Particles, Digital Agency, Business, Home Parallax, Startup, Studio Agency, Freelancer, Minimal Portfolio Parallax, and other needed inner or details pages availability.
Trydo is well documented, very easy to use, Easily Customized, loads faster and provides better performance.
Note: All images & videos are used for demo purpose and NOT include in the purchase packages.
V 2.0 - 29 April 2022 -------------------------------------- Updated: Bootstrap Updated to v5.0.2 V 1.9- 03 February 2022 -------------------------------------- Fixed: Some CSS issues V 1.8- 18 February 2021 -------------------------------------- Fixed: Color Issues Dark Mode V 1.7- 10 February 2021 -------------------------------------- 1. Added: Dark/Light mode color switcher (Hot) 2. Fixed: Counerup Issesu fixing 3. Update: jQuery Version V 1.6- 08 August 2020 -------------------------------------- 1. Update Documentation V 1.5- 06 June 2020 -------------------------------------- 1. Fix contact form issues V 1.4 - 18 April 2020 -------------------------------------- 1. Added Pricing Plan Page. 2. Added Corporate Business New Home. 3. Contact Page Dynamic ====================================== V 1.3 - 06 March 2020 -------------------------------------- 1. Added: SCSS Files ====================================== V 1.2 - 06 March 2020 -------------------------------------- 1. Added: New Home Parallax 2. Fixed: Header sticky responsive issues 3. Fixed: Logo Responsive Issues ====================================== V 1.1 - 04 March 2020 -------------------------------------- 1. Added: Scrollspy for home particle and creative agency 2 2. Added: Comment Form for blog 3. Fixed: Masonry Animation ====================================== V 1.0 - 02 March 2020 -------------------------------------- Initial release