Getting Started
Welcome to Histudy! We would like to thank you for choosing our theme Histudy.
Histudy is created for Learning Management System. Online OR Offline The template is perfect for e-Learning, Course School, Online School, Kindergarten, Classic LMS, University Status, Instructor Portfolio, Language Academy, Gym Coaching, Online Course, Single Course, marketplace, University Classic, Home Elegant, Home technology, and other needed dashboard, inner and details pages availability. The template has included everything you need for a complete online education center and LMS.
There are system requirements in order to install and setup Histudy theme and its components properly. Make sure that you are running the latest version of WordPress, PHP version 5.6 or higher and MySQL version 5.6 or higher. We also recommend the following PHP configuration limits.
Recommended PHP configuration limits
max_execution_time = 10000;
upload_max_filesize = 1024M;
post_max_size = 1024M;
max_input_time = 10000;
memory_limit = 1024M;
What's Included
After purchasing Histudy Theme on with your Envato account, go to your Download page. You can choose to download Histudy Theme only (Installable WordPress Theme) or the entire Histudy Theme package which contains the following files:

The contents of the theme package downloaded from ThemeForest:
- - An Installable WordPress Theme zip file. this file you need to upload to WordPress.
- - This file contains the basic child theme that you can use with our theme. Just installing it won’t hurt and in case you decide to make some changes/extend the source code of the theme, it will be very helpful because it helps not to lose your custom changes after updating the parent theme. More on child themes
- Plugins - This folder contains plugins required to work with our theme.
- Demo Data - This folder contains the demo content file which will help you to import the demo manually.
- Licensing - This folder contains the terms and conditions of the license.
- Documentation - This folder contains what you are reading now :)
Social Networks
To change Social Networks Options navigate to Appearance Histudy Theme Options Social Networks
Pul your social profile link here.